A Habitat for Humanity for AV

Advanced Sound & Communication’s largest vertical is the house of worship market. We remove, test, clean, and warehouse used equipment for churches in desperate need of equipment. We network with church staff members who call us to let us know when they have some equipment to pick up or let us know of someone with a need. For instance, Frank Gentile at Church of the Ressurection in Leawood provided an EAW speaker system which we installed in an inner-city Church of Christ. Queen of the Holy Rosary in Overland Park, KS, and Mission Road Bible Church in Prairie Village, KS told us to find good church homes for the speakers we replaced. We are very selective and can’t take everything offered. Churches can be dumping grounds for very outdated and worn-out gear. We want to be a blessing, not a hindrance.

Thom Reiner posted an interesting blog entry on the churchanswers.com website. According to Thom, churches should expect a 20% reduction in pre-COVID attendance and a 5% reduction in contributions. For several years we have seen dying churches grafted into larger ones and some churches selling facilities to get back to basics, meeting in homes as micro-churches. New church plants are on the rise. This trend is expected to continue. The need for affordable solutions will increase while record supply chain issues and double-digit cost increases continue.

If we provide services, installing or upgrading audio, video, lighting, security, and control systems, we can make sure your used equipment is given to a grateful, needy congregation.

Brent Handy, CTS


(816) 564-7281